Save time by filling out your QuickPass the day of your donation.
How to use QuickPass:
- Click to read the educational materials. (required to donate)
- Answer the health history questions. If you’re not sure how to answer a question, you can click “skip,” and a Marsh Regional team member will review it with you at the time of donation.
- Screenshot, print or email the QuickPass QR code and bring it to your appointment.
How QuickPass works:
- You must complete the QuickPass the day of your donation.
- You must answer the questions honestly and confidentially.
- QuickPass does not determine your eligibility to donate.
- You must complete the questions in a single session. If the system times out, you will have to start the process over from the beginning.
- You will need to access a printer or a mobile device to save the QuickPass QR code.
- You can complete the QuickPass onsite at any blood drive or donation center.
- A QuickPass is not an appointment to donate.
Click to begin your QuickPass.